Yoga on a Plate – 4 Tips on How to Practice Mindful Eating

Yoga on a Plate – 4 Tips on How to Practice Mindful Eating

Nowadays, most people are too busy to sit down for a long quiet meal. Imagine having enough time for a peaceful candlelight dinner. Everything looks and smells delicious, and your plate is full of nutritious ingredients. This is an ideal situation that can even improve your overall mood. So, instead of rushing through your meals, you should practice mindful eating to avoid any digestive discomfort. Here’s how!

#1. Slow Down

People tend to eat faster than they should. This is no way to creating a mindful eating environment. If you feel too agitated because of your busy lifestyle, there are some effective tricks to help you slow down. You could try eating with chopsticks instead of forks, which will make you take smaller bites.  Another method is counting your chews with every bite. According to nutrition specialists, you should chew each bite at least 20 times. Putting down the fork in between bites is another trick that helps you slowing down. 

#2. Start Small

If you cannot practice mindful eating on an entire meal, try doing it when eating something smaller like a fruit or a couple of nuts. Sit down in a comfortable position in a quiet area. Begin examining your food. Observe its color, shape, size, and texture. Slowly bring the food close to your mouth and try to feel its fragrance if it has one. Then smile and bite a small piece of fruit or nut. Chew it slowly, enjoying its taste, letting its savor flood your mouth. Try to associate positive and joyful thoughts with your meals. 

#3. Listen to Your Body

Learn to identify hunger signals as well as the moments when you feel full. Otherwise, you risk overeating and you may eventually develop health problems. Also, try to separate your actual hunger from your emotional desire. Unfortunately, many people eat when they don’t feel hungry just to fill an emotional void. As soon as you discover emotional issues that lead you to eat more, write down those feelings on a piece of paper as well as what kind of foods trigger your cravings. This will clear your mind about what your body really needs. 

#4. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

To deepen the process of mindful eating, you should take a few slow conscious breaths before and after each meal. This will relax you and you will be able to make a connection between your mind, soul, and body. It shifts your entire nervous system into a resting state. That mood is perfect for receiving the maximum level of nutrition. When you feel satisfied after a meal, practice this breathing exercise again while reflecting on the entire experience and manifesting your gratitude for those moments of peacefulness. 

Summing It Up

Mindful eating has plenty of benefits not only for your health, but also for your physical aspect and emotional stability. It makes you eat less food and improves your entire digestive process. You will totally reduce the unconscious overeating. So, slow down, enjoy the taste, eat slowly, and savor every bite. 

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