What are Yoga Mudras?

What are Yoga Mudras?

Meditation is thought to be a key component to accompany the practice of yoga. It can be accomplished with or without the use of Mudras, which are precise hand gestures. Mudras are believed to impart healing power to a variety of ailments that a person may experience. Knowing how to perform them correctly is key to unleashing their healing properties to all parts of your body.


Types of Mudras:

Gyana Mudra

This is the mudra of knowledge and is one of the simplest to perform. Simply touch the tip of your index finger to the tip of your thumb and outstretch the rest of your fingers on your hand; do this for each hand. This mudra is particularly best to apply when meditating, with an open mind, as your hands can rest easily on your knees when sitting in Easy Pose. It has the ability to increase your mental function, including that of memory and concentration, and can help if you are suffering from insomnia, mental fatigue, or stress.

Vayu Mudra

With this hand pose, you fold your index finger in tight and place the pad of the thumb between the two bones of the index, which are called the phalanx bones. The rest of the fingers are outstretched as with Gyana. This mudra balances the air element in your body and is to be used only when needed; as to practice this mudra daily might cause you to become unbalanced. Its purpose is to release air from your stomach and reduce any chest discomfort.

Agni Mudra (Mudra of Fire)

With this mudra, you will fold your ring finger in tight, like the previous pose, and will place the pad of your thumb between the two phalanx bones, keeping the remaining fingers outstretched. This mudra is best practiced daily, for a minimum of 15 minutes, on an empty stomach, in the early hours of the morning. However, if you suffer from acidity or indigestion, you should avoid this pose as it may cause heartburn. Many love this pose as it helps with digestion, weight control, increased metabolism, and lowers stress levels.

Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth)

Place the tips of the ring fingers onto the tips of your thumbs, the remaining fingers are kept out. Although it is best to practice this hand pose in the early part of the day, all times are acceptable. Sit in Lotus Pose and place your positioned hands on your knees comfortably any time when you feel like you are stressed or fatigued, as this pose helps you increase your blood circulation throughout the body. Its other recognized benefits are glowing skin, and weight increase for those who are under-nourished.

Varun Mudra (Mudra of Water)

A simple pose with great outer beauty benefits; place the tip of your little finger (not at the nail, otherwise you might dehydrate yourself instead) on the tip of your thumb and extend the other fingers. This pose excels in a seated position and can be practiced at all times of the day with no limit. It balances the content of water within our bodies, and can increase the skin’s radiance and glow, as well as take away any dryness you may be experiencing.

Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness)

Complete this mudra by placing the pad of your thumb on the first phalanx bone of the middle finger, stretching the rest of your fingers out. Practice this hand pose for 5-10 minutes and you may help ease pain from an earache; only use this pose to fix a malady and not for daily benefits.

Surya Mudra (Mudra of the Sun)

Apply the previous finger positions, but with the ring finger instead of the middle. This hand pose is recognized to help with weight-loss, anxiety, and improve your digestion. There is no limit to how much you can practice this gesture, nor any required pose.

Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life)

In Lotus Pose, place the tips of your ring and small fingers onto the tips of your thumbs. This hand pose activates the energy within your body and can be performed at all times of the day. If your eyes are feeling tired, this is a good mudra to practice; it also helps improve your immune system.

When applied correctly, and within the above guidelines, mudras can help with many ailments that can restrict the joy of living.


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